A Birthday at the Taj Mahal

A few days ago I turned 30. 

I suppose it's a natural reaction to be sad my 20's are all behind me. But having been blessed with my fair share of amazing experiences in the last 30 years, It was a time of great personal reflection. 

My thoughts drift back to an unforgettable birthday spent at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India. 

In one of the most life changing experiences of my life, I traveled to India to attend a good friend's wedding along with several girlfriends from around the world. 

The entire trip alone was an overload of color, photography, culture and inspiration. So I'll just focus on this one AMAZING day. 

Agra, India. The home of the legendary Taj Mahal. 

I start my day at the breakfast buffet with the girls at The Howard Park Plaza Hotel. I'm barely half awake when the server comes by and asks the table "Hello, we have arranged for the cake you requested to be sent to your room." I grin and my girlfriends give him a slightly embarrassed look since it was supposed to be a surprise. 

We head out to explore the city. Our first stop is the Agra Fort. A gorgeous brick red structure, with the light peaking through to give it the most magical glow. We felt like maharanis walking through its halls and courtyards. 

Photos by Christel Gellidon

True to form, I'm constantly clicking away my camera both inside the sites and even more so on the streets we pass through to get to them. 

Against our guide's advice we stop to buy bangles at a local stand on the street. First let me just note the Frogger game like experience I had crossing the street. Crossing the streets in India is no joke!

But OH THE BANGLES! I couldn't get enough of the beautiful Indian jewelry. And how much you say? Rupees equalling $1 for 10?!  I look over at my friend Flavia and then give the stand keeper a look like "Lady stack those bad boys up my whole arm, on my ankles, where ever they fit! 10 for $1?! GIMMEE ALL OF EM!"

With all the excitement we didn't realize the mini crowd of street children gathering around us. They were so in awe at us foreigners, especially Flavia, my 6 foot tall beautiful blonde Brazilian friend! They weren't asking for money or anything at all, just happy children wanting to see and say hi to these foreign looking ladies! We bought enough bangles to buy them all candy and we were on our way. Their smiles and laughs are engraved on my heart. 

Photos by Christel Gellidon

A quick visit to the Baby Taj Mahal. Then we head off to lunch at a simple but charming restaurant with a rooftop view overlooking the Taj Mahal in the distance. Oh it was priceless. 

Finally we head over to the Taj Mahal itself. 

That moment when you walk through that first archway and see its full beauty all at once is beyond words. With all the pictures you see of it, there is nothing like its magnificence in person. I was speechless. It almost felt surreal. Like, "I'm here. In one of those pages you see in National Geographic or on airport magazine ads" 

Photos by Christel Gellidon

Never in my life, did I expect to visit this world wonder. And here I was, spending my 26th birthday at the Taj Mahal as the sun sets. BLESSED.

 One thing stood out from all the tour guide history behind the Taj Mahal.

He said that imagine in a Hindu country founded on a caste system and arranged marriages, it's ultimate and most prized symbol is that of LOVE.

A king's love for his queen so great that he built such a beautiful monument to honor her life.

As we headed towards the exit, our guide told us that legends say to make a wish as you gaze on the Taj Mahal, then turn around and do not look back at it. 

I did just that.

Photos by Christel Gellidon